Adoptions/Permanency Team

The Tehama County Adoptions/Permanency Team serves as a public adoption agency, and is managed by
Tehama County Department of Social Services. When efforts to reunite and maintain children in their family homes are not successful they provide Permanency Planning services to determine the appropriate permanent plan for a child(ren). The Permanent Plan may be Adoption, Legal Guardianship, or Another Permanent Planned Living Arrangement (APPLA).

The Permanency Team works with public and private adoption agencies to find permanent homes for children available for adoption through the court dependency process.  Services are also provided to families interested in adopting or who have adopted in the past from Foster Care.

The Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) is a benefit program designed to meet an eligible adopted child's needs up to age 18. In some instances, this benefit can be extended up to the age of 21. This program includes a monthly financial stipend, medical insurance through Medi-Cal, and a one-time reimbursement of non-recurring adoption expenses.

If you are interested in adopting a child and giving them a permanent home, please call 530.527.1911 or send an email to

The Permanency Team provides services to non-relative legal guardians.  If you are a guardian of an unrelated child, there may be services to assist you and your family.

More information is available at the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Adoptions website:  Info & Resources > CDSS Programs > Adoptions